Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I'm back and sharing a neat online math resource!

Hello everyone! I took a break for a while at the beginning of this school year. It's a busy one for me with four different schools to juggle and volunteering right and left. But I'm back for today to share a neat math resource with you!

This awesome new resource is a fun, playful collection of the best math-centric online content curated by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. It’s More Math!, a fun way to explore the wonder and beauty of math with puzzles, games, books, videos, and other mathy treats. 

The current favorites are: Mathical for kids and families, Varsity Math for teens and adults, and Numberphile - for all ages!

FYI, MSRI is one of the world’s preeminent centers for collaborative research in mathematics. MSRI’s public programs – including its online destinations – are dedicated to showcasing the playfulness, beauty, power, and importance of mathematics in our everyday lives.

A link to More Math! is on the Watch & Play section of (which looks super interesting too!). Here is the twitter link:

I hope you have a great day and enjoy!
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