Friday, June 3, 2016

Guest blogger or assistant? Anyone want to be part of a good cause?

Hi Everyone!

I would love to post more fun hands-on math activities here on but there is only one of me and I'd love to have your help!

So, I'm reaching out to any teacher, parent, or someone passionate about math and education if you want to contribute to make a more awesome resource.

Here are some ways the site could use help.

  • Help with posts of hands-on math activities for K-5.
  • Idea help and production of videos for M.a.Th. (Math activity Thursday)
    • You can help with just idea help (brainstorming fun activities to do...)
    • Or maybe you love to edit video and want to help that way...
  • Do math-related kids book reviews!
  • Help make TpT resources and get a cut of the profits ; )
  • Volunteer to do a guest blog post.
I'd really love any help any one would like to give, but if there are no takers I will continue to give you the best content I can (all by my lonesome).
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