But first, I am a day behind on the A to Z blogging challenge so I am doubling up today with I and K.
I is for isosceles! Okay, call me funny but I love triangles. I thought it was so neat when I found out in junior high that there were different names for them and all about the angles and sides. Here is how I would have drawn an isosceles triangle before I knew about the cool shortcuts (on the left). Then on the right is with the equilateral marks (looks so much better!).
A fun triangle activity to do with kids is take any line segment (like a 10" thin strip of paper) and cut it twice to make 3 sections and put the ends together to form a triangle. See how everyone's triangle is different! Do the kids know that the interior angles of all of their triangles adds up to 180 degrees?
Now onto K--for Kids Math Teacher! Okay, I was thinking of doing kite (another geometry term) but then I decided to highlight my blogiversary. A lot has happened over the last year and I never really thought I would have accomplished so much. There were days when a lot got done and other days that weren't nearly as productive, but the year went well!
In the past year...
- I designed and continued to make my blog design a little better (I did it myself--and that was a big learning curve).
- I opened up shops on TpT, TN, and BST
- I started a Pinterest account
- Made a facebook fan page
- Learned how to do more graphic design work (I knew a little)
- Worked on revising several manuscripts and selling one as a printable book.
- Had some great guest bloggers on here
- Started a Google + community called Elementary School Teachers
- I have met great, supportive bloggers and followers just like you!
Wow! What a year! I know every blogger progresses at a different pace, I'm slower than some and I know I may be faster than others. Here are my stats for the past year...
- 41,000 page views
- Most popular post: June 15, 2013--book review of Mastering Math Facts (1170 views)
- But close behind--guest blog post with Elementary Math Maniac (1080 views)
- FB fan page now has 520 likes (thanks everyone!)
- My Pinterest account has 118 followers
- TpT has 27 followers and TN has 223
- Elementary School Teachers Google + community has 582 members
Thanks for making is a great year! As a thank you I am having a giveaway that will end next Friday at midnight Pacific.
Here are the three prizes!
- 6 pack of Lollipics with your custom image! They will look something like this... and they are yummy!
- 1 copy of Trouble with Monkeys: A place value story (an original printable book)
- 1 set of Animal Cap Kids clipart!
Good luck in the giveaway and thanks for visiting!
a Rafflecopter giveaway