Friday, December 27, 2013

13 in '13 linky party. Lucy's year in review : )

It has been a little while since I posted and I really need to make a set schedule for the next while on my blog.  With the holidays and the kids home it has been hard to get anything done.

I saw this fun linky party popping up all over my bloglovin' feed, so I decided to join in the fun!  I love going over old photos and thinking about what we did all year!

Here goes...
1. My husband got his first new car.  In the past we always got used ones, but it was so fun to see him doing his comparisions and test driving.  He is super happy with his final choice.

2.  I got my first revision request letter--from Scholastic asking for some minor revisions to one of my books! (but I don't have a picture so...)   I also had an idea for a board book with flowers in vases that would teach colors and 3D shapes.  So, I had a big photo session and here is just one of the photos...
3.  This spring my brother came into town and we visited the Beach Boys monument since I live right near where they grew up.  It was fun to hang out with my brother and swap stories.

4.  I got to go to the Los Angeles Time Festival of Book for the first time.  It was awesome.  I actually got to go to quite a few writing events this year.  I'm grateful that my husband watches them on Saturdays when I'm away, but for this event we brought the whole crew (the baby was in the stroller with me in this pic).

5.  I started my blog in April!  Yay for!

6.  I canned nectarines from our tree for the first time this year.  It was a lot of work, but still is super yummy : )

7.  In the summer we went to Monterey.  We went on a family hike (with too much poision oak around for my liking) and I saw this bait ball at the aquarium (my first time seeing that).
8.  In September I put in a garden for a friend of mine for her birthday.  I even posted about it here.

9.  Luke and I finally got updated pictures with the kids!  Yay

10. Halloween was fun this year.  The girls looked super cute!

11. On Thanksgiving day my husband's family got together and did a 5K run/trot/walk for fun at a nearby park.

12.  My husbands work always has an awesome party and the photos they take always turn out great!  It was a lot of fun and a great night out with Grandma & Grandpa watching the kids : )

13.  The family went berm sledding the other day and had a blast!  I love spending time with my husband and kids!

I hope everyone has had a great year and that 2014 is awesome too : )

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