Follow my blog with Bloglovin
I was so excited about the response from my currently post and especially my $10 Amazon giveaway for following me on bloglovin' (still 2 days left if you haven't entered yet).
About 100... 100 is a fun number and kids seem to like it, but that is because adults like it too : ) We celebrate 100 Days of school, 100 this and that, mainly because of our neat base ten numeric system. 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and so on. They are all super cool numbers, but 100 is typically the last number in this line of numbers that we can actually display and count up to without taking up most of our day and a whole closet full of stuff.
Okay, enough about that. Time for the 100 Follower giveaway!
Bethany Hunter at and Adie Buchinsky at have generously offered one winner's choice prize from their stores!
And, since I have yet to get items in my TpT or TN store (I am still working on some), I will offer another $10 Amazon gift card (because you all had such wonderful plans if you were to win the bloglovin' giveaway).
So, there are three things to be given away! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway