Thanks to I {Heart} Recess for the link up!
1. Why I started blogging can be answered in my first post, although I have learned all about TpT and TN since then, so now I really want to make Teacher Resources too.
2. Favorite subject to teach is math! I actually passed the AP Calculus test in high school, but I loved having young kids understand math concepts. I am not currently teaching due to interesting thing number 3.
3. Teaching style would be hands-on. Love activities, white boards, and movement.
4. Interesting things....humm
- I biked from Los Angeles to Salt Lake with friends when I was 17 and that's how I got to college : ) No need to buy an airplane ticket!
- I love organizing drawers.
- I have 5 kids--large families are few here in Los Angeles, so I'm always getting the comment "Well, you have your hands full!"