The A to Z Challenge was awesome! I had met Arlee just two days before April. I listene to his A to Z in a Blogging Workshop for CBW-LA and then and there I decided I was going to start my blog. I was near the bottom of the long list of nearly 2,000 blogs participating this year.
For those unfamiliar with the Challenge, it is to blog every day in April except Sundays with the letter of the alphabet. For this years challenge I went with Math Activities A to Z. It was really easy for me to come up with my A to Z topics, although always posting them wasn't easy. Since I had little notice of the challenge I didn't prep any posts ahead of time.
I felt it was a nice way to visit other blogs and get to have more friends in the bloggashpere.
Arlee was SO nice to help boost my followers by doing a shout out of my blog in particular on two occasions. The only problem I had was that not very many teacher bloggers were on the A to Z Challenge list. I found myself being torn visiting a few A to Z blogs and then searching the thousands of teacher blogs. They have quite a network--the most I found on Teaching Blog Addict and Oh Boy! 3rd Grade. I was so excited to find out about Teachers pay Teachers too--you can make activities and reproducible to sell to teachers around the world.
Maybe next year more teachers will participate in the A to Z Challenge because it was so great. Plus, most teachers I know can't help making A to Z lists for things anyway : )
Thank you to the A to Z team for visiting my blog and helping me along the way. It has been a great start. I am definitely going to be back next year!